Order It- A Game for Building Number Sense

Number sense is the foundation of strong mathematical thinking, but helping students develop their number sense can sometimes feel like a challenge. Order It is a game I love to play that turns number sequencing into an exciting learning experience, helping students strengthen their understanding of numerical relationships while having fun.

What Is Number Sense?

Number sense is a students ability to understand, relate, and connect numbers in meaningful ways. It goes beyond rote memorization of facts and procedures—it’s about developing a deep, intuitive feel for how numbers work and how they interact with one another.

I like to think of number sense as “number intuition.” A student with strong number sense can:
✔️ Recognize the size and magnitude of numbers
✔️ Compare and order numbers flexibly
✔️ Estimate and make reasonable guesses
✔️ Identify patterns and relationships in numbers
✔️ Use different strategies to solve problems efficiently

Why Number Sense Matters

Number sense is more than just knowing numbers—it’s about understanding how they relate to one another. When students grasp number magnitude, sequencing, and patterns, they become more confident problem-solvers. Strong number sense lays the groundwork for mental math, estimation, and overall mathematical fluency.

How to Play ‘Order It’

  • Each player will need a game board.
  • Players will choose 1 set of cards to play with and will shuffle the cards. 
  • Player 1 will choose a card and will place it on their game board.  Once a card is placed, it cannot be moved.  
  • Player 2 will choose a card and will place it on their game board.  
  • Players will continue taking turns choosing a card and placing it on their game board.  When a card is placed, it must go in order from least to greatest in each row and from least to greatest in each column.  If a card cannot be played, the player loses their turn.  
  • The first player to complete their game board with all cards in order, WINS!

When students engage with numbers in a game-like format, learning becomes more intuitive and enjoyable. Order It encourages students to think critically about number relationships. Plus, the friendly competition keeps them motivated and excited to participate!

Try It in Your Classroom or at Home!

Whether you’re a teacher looking for an interactive math center activity or a parent wanting to support math learning at home, Order It is a fantastic tool. By incorporating games like this into daily learning, we make math more accessible, meaningful, and fun! You can download this resource by clicking the picture below.

👉 Have you tried Order It with your students? Share your experience in the comments below!

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