Pattern blocks are great tool for understanding equivalent fractions. Fraction pattern blocks are an excellent addition because they give you even more options. Using fraction pattern blocks is also a great way to differentiate instruction and offer a challenge to students who are ready for it. The purpose of this activity is to introduce students to some key ideas about fractions.

Start with the blue double hexagon being worth 1 whole. Ask students, what would be the value of the yellow hexagon if the blue double hexagon was worth 1? Give students some time in investigate this with a partner. Go over with students how you would need 2 yellow hexagons to cover the blue double hexagon. Therefore, we would say the yellow hexagon is 1 out of 2 to make a whole or 1/2. Have students spend some time exploring the other shapes, then discuss.
Once you have identified the value of each pattern block as shown above, ask students to work with a partner and find at least 3 things that they notice. Then have students share their thinking. Some possible ideas may be:
- The denominator kept getting bigger as the size of the pieces got smaller.
- All of the fractions were unit fractions (had a numerator of 1)
- All of the denominators are even numbers.
After completing this activity, leave the chart pictured above on the screen and have students practice making fractions with their pattern blocks. What would 3/4 look like? 5/24? 10/12?
This is a great, concrete way to introduce your fraction unit. Happy exploring! 💡